Friday, December 17, 2010

Inneract Project ::: Building Community Through Design

from Inneract Project

What is the Inneract Project? 
Inneract Project is a professionally supported program that provides free design classes for inner-city youth, in order to channel their creativity into viable career paths. Classes are free and taught at both the Academy of Art University and Ex'pression College for Digital Arts by local design professionals. Current class disciplines include graphic design, architecture.

Inneract Project's mission is to expose under-served youth to careers in design by providing free classes, mentorship, and support for higher education. It is Inneract Project's goal to offer design as a means for positive transformation and expression.

Under-served youth have the least access and exposure to fields in design. IP's vision is to provide middle school students access to these fields in an inspirational college setting, at an age when aptitude and curiosity can be best harvested. We do this by connecting the design community with urban communities, schools and families in a collaborative effort to help under-resourced youth achieve their highest potential. 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our Oakland : Eastside Stories, art project by artist Rene Yung

from Our Oakland : Eastside Stories

Our Oakland : Eastside Stories is an integrated public art project by artist Rene Yung that will beautify the new East Oakland Community Library and create a new platform for community storytelling about East Oakland.  The overall theme of the project is Mutuality + Transformation, meaning that as members of a community, each of us is interconnected and we have the power to individually and collectively take action to make positive changes in our communities.
This project consists of three parts:
  • Public Art in the Library with art glass in a 64-foot clerestory window and an Interactive Pod
  • A Digital Archive of Community Stories about East Oakland
  • Community building activities including forming new partnerships and hosting storytelling events to build a new community online that will help build community on the ground.